Friday, December 7, 2018

The Ticking Time Bomb

Yesterday,  there appeared in the New York times an opinion piece entitled The Ticking Time Bomb Under Obamacare: 
Its authors cite all the administration's current attempts  to completely destroy Obamacare, and they dwell particularly on what they call a "ludicrous" lawsuit in Texas, which attempts have the Obamacare mandate declared unconstitutional, on the basis that the mandate's penalty is zero, and that if the mandate must be excised, the entire act must be destroyed. According to the article,

"The judge overseeing the case was handpicked by Texas for his unfavorable view of the A.C.A. and has delayed until after the election what would be a disastrous decision with consequences for millions of Americans. Recent estimates say as many as 17 million could lose their health care in the first year alone."

I'm not doing justice to the scary details of this piece -- you really should click on the link above and read this terrifying article for yourself. If the judge acts as predicted, and the Supreme Court upholds him, it will be a disaster for the United States of America -- and that, of course, includes New York State. It includes every one of us who has a pre-existing condition, or merely a moderately sized bank account. This means we New Yorkers have no time to lose. Our  state legislators MUST  pass the New York Health Act; our citizenry must rise up and INSIST on it. I can think of no other recourse. If you can think of something else short of leaving the country, I'd love to know what it is. 

The Republicans are readying a full frontal assault on the ACA. We can't rely on the miracle of their failing this time. We must fight for our lives. Time's a-wasting.

Tick-tick, tick-tick.


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1 comment:

  1. Short On Federal Funding, Obamacare Enrollment Navigators Switch Tactics

    By Phil Galewitz November 30, 2018 KHN Original

    Enrollment is lagging this year as the Trump administration spends just $10 million on navigators to help individuals enroll in coverage, down from $63 million in 2016.
    "They don’t have the staff to help as many customers as before because the Trump administration slashed funding. The federal government is spending $10 million this year on navigators who help individuals enroll in coverage. The government spent $36 million in 2017 and $63 million in 2016."
    "Nationally, nearly 800 counties served by the federal marketplace will not have any federally funded navigators this fall — up from 127 counties in 2016, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation."
    read all:


WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL, NANCY? Will the April 30 Hearing on Medicare For All Be Little More Than a Farce? That may well be the case...