(A Personal Note)
My brother of blessed memory used to say, "the reason we retire is so that we'll have time to see the doctor."Now that I'm in my eighties, with my wife not far behind, we see the truth in that joke, as we have become increasingly familiar with our doctor's offices. When we were young and starting our families, we, like others our age, talked incessantly (it seemed) about our children. But now our children are talking about their children, and we old folks, when we meet our friends, are conscious that we -- like others our age -- talk increasingly about our medical adventures (!) We ask, "how are you," and we get in reply what we have come to call "an organ recital," And we give as good as we get.
I don't want to burden you with an organ recital now, but I do need to explain why you may not be hearing from me for the next few days. Tomorrow, 9:15 on Wednesday Dec. 19, I'll be arriving at a surgical center to undergo cataract surgery. Normally, it's not a big deal, as many of you who've had the procedure will attest -- although there are exceptions. And though I'm a bit apprehensive, I'm confident that I've chosen the best surgeon for this procedure in a fifty-mile radius, and I feel I've reason to hope for the best.
But very likely, I will be instructed to "take it easy" and rest my eyes for a day or so afterwards, and because of the sedation involved, I probably won't be thinking as clearly as usual -- however clear that may be. So it's fair to suppose I won't be making more posts for a few days or so.
My wife says that I shouldn't worry about it, because this will give my readers a chance to catch up and read all the posts. (She says that I've made so many in the past few weeks, that she feels she can't keep up.)
I hope -- God willing -- to return to the site in a few days.
PS: As usual, comments be offered by clicking on the number of comments area.
The mission of the Foundation is to drive research providing preventions, treatments and cures for people affected by blinding retinal diseases.