Will the April 30 Hearing on Medicare For All Be Little More Than a Farce?
That may well be the case according to an April 26th article in the Huffington Post:
PLEASE READ THIS. When you do, you'll see that not only did the Rules Committee reject as a witness Adam Gaffney, the President of the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), but a dozen other suggested witnesses. According to the Post, sources involved with the planning of the hearing say three criteria were applied to potential witnesses: (1) Is this person a leader of a single payer group? If so, that person could not testify -- meaning Gaffney was out. (2) Is this person an activist? If so, they couldn't testify. That meant that people like Dr. Sanjeev Sriram, who has repeatedly advocated for Medicare For All, were ruled out. And (3) Has this person said anything negative about the Affordable Care Act? Especially involved in this last requirement was Wendell Primus, Pelosi's top healthcare staffer.
Rules committee chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass) stoutly denied any such criteria, and insisted that the committee was "free" to choose anyone they wanted -- claims echoed by Henry Connelly, a Pelosi spokesman. But, according to the Post, sources close to the process insist Primus was intimately involved. It goes on to say: Single-payer groups and activists are reflexively suspicious of Primus after The Intercept revealed that he had spoken to insurance executives and laid out his own objections to Medicare for All. Primus also did himself no favors in a March 25 meeting with staff from a number of congressional committees that have health care jurisdiction. He reportedly said the Medicare for All hearing was a “check the box and move on type of thing.”
At the time of the Huffington Post article, the only witness allowed who had in fact spoken positively about M4A was an emergency room doctor whose testimony was to be limited to "patient experience."
Subsequently, it was revealed that a patient dying of ALS would be allowed to testify in favor of Single-Payer. (Not being able even to speak, he was to be equipped with special technology tracking his eye movements.) Doubtless, it had been decided that not only would the "optics" of denying a person at death's door be very bad, but it could be spun that allowing him to testify would make the committee look "compassionate."
But the truth is that the committee is attempting to rig the hearing so that there will be nobody allowed to argue strongly in favor of M4A's superiority to other suggestions on the table. How is this "show trial" superior to the behavior of strong-arm regimes to which we are supposed to be superior?
Who is Pelosi trying to fool? My friends, if you are NOT fooled, you can contact Nancy Pelosi here: https://www.speaker.gov/contact/ Please consider doing it now.
And please forward this everyone you know who might be affected by this sham hearing -- which, in my opinion, is everyone interested in giving M4A a fair shot.
PS: If you'd like to leave a comment -- and I encourage you to do so -- simply click on the "number of comments" area, and share your thoughts in the "comment rectangle" that appears.
PPS: We know that there are plenty out there who have stories to tell -- stories of your trying to cope with our dysfunctional healthcare system. Trouble is, we don't know what these stories are! That's where you come in. If you have a story to tell, you can email me at indivisible12401@gmail.com. You can be as anonymous as you like. Thanks!
PPS: We know that there are plenty out there who have stories to tell -- stories of your trying to cope with our dysfunctional healthcare system. Trouble is, we don't know what these stories are! That's where you come in. If you have a story to tell, you can email me at indivisible12401@gmail.com. You can be as anonymous as you like. Thanks!