A few days ago, there appeared in
the Kingston Freeman the following:
Dear Editor,
To all those
seniors who voted Democratic, I hope you noticed that now that the Democrats
control the entire New York state government, they’ll be coming after your
This week, the
Democratically controlled New York City Council passed a resolution asking the
state Legislature to pass a single payer for all of us. Among the provisions
the federal government would turn over all Medicare payment to New York state
so everyone would come under the state-controlled medical plan (no choice for
you). It would also cover all illegal immigrants in the plan.
What seniors can be
guaranteed is, if this plan is adopted, the quality of our coverage will decrease.
If it’s such a good plan, why can’t seniors have a choice of continuing to use
Medicare or the state plan? The reason is obvious: The state plan won’t be
good. How long before they begin denying seniors some procedures, since, given
your age, it’s not “cost effective”?
While the City
Council resolution has no legal force, they are appealing to Democratic
legislators, some of whom were elected from this county, and it may pass. Hopefully, there will be a lawsuit that will
give seniors a choice.
Those of you are
still working and have company-paid insurance: Watch out that the state doesn’t
take their premiums and include you in the state plan. If this passes, one
result will be an increase the exodus of seniors and working people to other
states, as the plan also calls for an increase in payroll taxes, further
encouraging businesses to relocate.
John Habersperger
sure you must have noticed some classic conservative scare themes – big government’s
aim to confiscate what belongs to you (“they’ll be coming after your medicare”), death panels (“denying seniors some
procedures, since, given your age, it’s not ‘cost effective’), racism (“it
would also cover all illegal immigrants”). Above, and underpinning the whole
thing, is the theme of governmental overreach, depriving you of “freedom.” It
makes a big deal of the fact that you must be in the program, that “there’s no choice for you.” “Freedom, for conservatives, means the right
to do – or not to do -- whatever you want, regardless of its effect on
others. This “freedom” is insisted on
selectively. I have not heard anyone insist on one’s right not to have the Fire Department come to save your house and your
life. Please check out my reply below:
To the editor:
Contrary to John
Habersperger's letter of Dec. 24, under NYHA Medicare will NOT be weakened but
actually strengthened, enlarged and enhanced. In addition to the benefits it
currently offers, Seniors (and every other New Yorker), will get dental,
vision, hearing, mental health, prescription drugs, and long term care -- all
with no deductibles, no co-payments. There'll be no need for supplemental
insurance: the New York Health Care will cover it all!
True, there'll be
no choice but to be covered by NYHA. but that's a very good thing. Only when
the pool of risk is spread as wide as possible can costs be minimized -- that's
what's obvious about it. If people did have a choice, that would indeed be
something to worry about.
If your house were
burning down, would you try to wave off the firemen as they arrive? I suppose
you might try, but since you've been paying taxes to support the fire
department, you might as well let them save your house -- and your life, while
they're at it. It's exactly the same situation with the New York Health Act.
NYHA turns health care into a public resource -- supported by everyone, and
accessible to everyone.
Mr. Habersperger
would seek to frighten us with nightmarish visions of workers relocating to
other states. Personally, I think he's got it backwards: If we actually
succeeded in passing guaranteed health care here in New York, we'd more likely
have not an exodus but an influx of workers, because we would then have what
the vast majority in this country have proven they want, but are afraid they'll
lose, thanks to the depredations of the Republicans.
Indeed, if Mr.
Habersperger wants to scare us, I'd advise him to concentrate on the lawsuit
originating in Texas, one of whose Federal judges has decreed the ACA
unconstitutional, because of one of its provisions has been slightly modified.
That should be enough to give us all nightmares!
Please note: Mr.
Habersperger didn’t overtly mention nor did I address an underlying fear that
our New York State government has been so corrupt that it’s possible it
might make the current situation not better, but worse. That’s a very real fear, and I don’t know
enough to gainsay it. Our Federal government has indeed been corrupted – a sad percentage of
them have been bought by special interests, and some of them, despite their
mealy-mouthed protestations to the contrary, are hostile to any government “interference”
in healthcare delivery whatever! If this
is so, what’s to prevent state assemblymen and senators from doing likewise
here in New York?
The answer –
only we the people can prevent it. We must make clear that the current state of
affairs – where healthcare is a privilege and not a right – is unacceptable,
nor will we put up with any tinkering to appease the interests of big money.
That’s big talk,
and it must be matched by big action. For be assured, the plutocratic powerful
will use their formidable arsenal of money to make our representatives offers
they cannot refuse, and fill the air with so many lies that some will accept
them as truth.
This is what we
are up against.
What can we do?
First step: SPREAD THE WORD. While it is
true that more than 50 percent of the people I meet for the first time have
never heard of NYHA, nobody I meet for the second time is ignorant of it. But I am only one person. But what would happen if hundreds and
hundreds of people were out proselytizing?
I said it before
and I’ll say it again: HOW CAN THE PEOPLE
PS: If you want
to leave a comment – and I encourage you to do so – please click on the number of comments are, and in the
comment box that appears please share your thoughts.
Hi! Thanks for your informative blog. John Habersberger wrote basically the same letter in the New Paltz Times. Thanks for your response to his letter in the Kingston paper. Two of us responded to him in the New Paltz paper and refuted his incorrect rant. Yes more of us need to proselytize. Thanks again. Alex Passas