On July 5th of this year, PBS NewsHour had a very short presentation about the skyrocketing costs of emergency rooms. A link to it is below, and I really think you should see it; it's as revelatory as it is short:
When the patients got the bill for these procedures, the sticker shock must have been amazing! $629 for a single band-aid for this Connecticut one-year-old, $939 for a bit of toe ointment for the Virginia toddler, and $7924 to fix the broken jaw of the man in Texas -- what was going on, here? There was a lot going on that you could see -- and a lot that you were not allowed to.
Not very many people know that there is a "Facility Fee" charged for just going through the Emergency Room door. This fee is often the greater part of the patient's bill. And that fee varies widely depending on the deal that the Hospital can make with the insurance companies. As was pointed out in the video, there could be a hospital across the street whose Facility Fee would be nothing like that of its medical neighbor.
How can they get away with this? The reporter expressed the opinion that these hospital ER rooms were acting like monopolies. After working hours, or during the weekends, the ER is a patient's only recourse. and it can charge what it likes. When you add to this the not infrequent practice of having the patient treated by out-of-network doctors -- as was the surgeon in the case of the Texas man with the broken jaw. -- the patient is due for a rueful shock.
Of course the hospitals rightfully point out that it's very expensive to run a hospital, to keep the lights on in the emergency room, with enough doctors, nurses, technicians, etc ready to go even if there is nobody to treat. And of course. there's the expense incurred by many of the patients, who, if not indigent, will be unable to pay the exorbitant rates charged.
Is the hospital merely trying to cover costs, here, or do they see the ER as a profit center? They hold their fiscal cards so close to their chests that you can't know for sure.
But in web forum Quora I read; "Modern Healthcare quotes Dr.Andrew Agwunobi, head of the hospital performance practice at Berkley Research Group, as saying that hospitals traditionally did not invest much capital in the ED in the belief that it provided mostly uncompensated care. The underlying assumption was that delivery system reform would ultimately reduce the number of visits to the ED and steer patients toward lower-level settings.'What they found was that the financial health of the hospital was actually in jeopardy. Most of the revenue of the hospital was actually coming from the emergency department.'"
This suggests to me that Dr. Agwunobi was portraying the ER as a hospital-saving profit generator. And he was not the only one to recognize this: President Obama proposed regulations that would limit the ER profits, but such a loud howl sprang up and such a strong push-back came from the hospital community that he abandoned the idea, and it has not been touched since.
Meanwhile, the insurance companies have become increasingly unhappy about the ER charges they were having to pay -- so much so that in the Vox series alluded to in the video included here, it was reported that the Anthem Insurance Company has decided that -- in 4 states at least -- it would pay only for ER visits to address conditions that proved life-threatening. As you can imagine, this has caused very unhappy results! There was a woman -- a nurse as it happened -- whose severe pain felt to her like it might be appendicitis. It being a weekend, she went to the ER, which performed a battery of tests on her and determined that what she had wasn't appendicitis but ovarian cysts. They gave her a couple of pain killing pills and an order to see her Gynecologist. They also gave her a bill for some $1200. Anthem informed her that since her condition wasn't going to kill her any time soon, the charges were hers to pay -- not theirs.
In other words, the insurance company was telling the woman to be her own doctor, and decide whether or not the ER visit was really necessary, or whether she could risk waiting for Monday when her Gynecologist would be seeing patients.
This is only one example of how the profit motive has become so enmeshed with medical practice, that lives are put at risk -- human lives being secondary to the fat profits of the industry, and the huge salaries of their CEOs.
We cannot go on with this broken system. The price-gougers and the very rich may like it just fine, but for us regular folks, it's an emergency.
ReplyDeleteWith 'Unlimited Funds to Lie,' Insurance Industry Readies Propaganda Blitz as Medicare for All Surges
by Jake Johnson, staff writer
[quoted excerpt]
"Medicare for All is rapidly surging in popularity among the American public and gaining momentum in Congress, but private insurance interests and Big Pharma have no intention of giving up their immensely profitable stranglehold on the U.S. healthcare system without a fight.
According to strategy documents obtained by The Intercept and the watchdog group Documented, the private healthcare industry is working aggressively alongside corporate Democrats to spread anti-single payer propaganda and "minimize the potential" for Medicare for All as an alternative to the current for-profit status quo."
Lobbyist Documents Reveal Health Care Industry Battle Plan Against “Medicare for All”
Lee Fang, Nick Surgey on November 20 2018,
[Quoted Excerpt]
"Over the summer, leading pharmaceutical, insurance, and hospital lobbyists formed the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, an ad hoc alliance of private health interests, to curb support for expanding Medicare.
The campaign, according to one planning document, is designed to “change the conversation around Medicare for All,” then “minimize the potential for this option in health care from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.”
ReplyDeleteTwo British doctors fire back at recent criticism of Britain’s Government Run Health Service by Donald Trump and conservative commentators
Right-Wing Media: Britain’s Free Healthcare System on the Verge of “Imploding”